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Monday, February 29, 2016

Travel Mistakes

I found an article on the biggest travel mistakes and thought I would share some of them.

  1. Passport renewal. Passports have an expiration date, so you’d think they’re good up until that date, right? Well, not necessarily. Some destinations require at least 3-6 months remaining on your passport in order to travel. If you need a visa for your trip, this is mandatory, but check the rules for your destination long before the trip begins.
  2. Not packing a change of clothes in your carry on. In 2013, the airline industry lost about 21.8 million bags, according to SITA, an aviation communications and technology company that tracks baggage performance. It’s likely this will happen to you eventually, so make sure you put a change of clothes and any “must-have” items in your carry on.
  3. Putting medicine and other valuables in checked baggage. If there is something you absolutely must have when you step off the plane, you better make sure it’s with you in your carry on. Medicines have no place in checked baggage. Neither do expensive items like iPads, cell phones and jewelry.
  4. Over packing. Please! It’s so not worth it. Read up on how to pack light before your next trip and stop over packing! You’re going to have to cart all that luggage around with you. Wouldn’t you rather it not contain 3 extra pairs of shoes and half a wardrobe that you won’t even wear?
  5. Using your cell phone without a plan. You can’t just turn on your phone in a different country and use it without incurring a $1000 phone bill. Before boarding the plane, put your phone in airplane mode to avoid unwanted charges. If you need your phone for voice or data while away, be sure to negotiate the plan with your carrier before leaving or just use the free hotel wi-fi.
  6. Not buying souvenirs right when you see them. I buy a T-shirt for my nephew in every country we visit, but I’ve repeatedly passed up a perfectly good one, only to never see another shirt for the rest of the trip. If you see it now, buy it now. You may not have a second chance and sometimes that’s a tragedy when you find something you love.
  7. Trying too hard for a bargain. I love a deal, but I promise you won’t be glad you booked the cheapest hotel or spent 14 hours on the bus from hell rather than forking out for the more expensive option. Some things just shouldn’t be done on the cheap.
  8. Using expensive money changers. This goes right along with trying too hard for a bargain. Sure, there are “best places” to exchange your money for the best deal, but do you really want to hunt around the city for said place for an extra $.10 on the dollar? We always withdraw cash from the ATM at the airport. It’s a fairly favorable rate, it’s convenient, and you won’t have to wander the city penny-less until you find that change bureau you heard about.
  9. Not negotiating a taxi rate beforehand. Many countries don’t have meters in taxis and the price is negotiable if done in advance, but exorbitantly expensive if neglected. Even if you’re sure you’re not going to be overcharged by a taxi driver, ask for the price in advance anyway and save yourself the burden of being ripped off. 
  10. Taking too many pictures. You know what I mean if you’ve ever walked around sightseeing with your camera glued to your face and then couldn’t remember the actual experience afterward. Take a picture, but then put the camera down and experience the moment in real life. I mean, do you really need 300 photos of a Buddha statue.
  11. Trying to use your credit and debit cards without alerting your bank. We did this approximately one time before we learned our lesson. Now banks make it easy to let them know you’re traveling. Just look for a “travel notification” link on your bank’s website. This will ensure you won’t be locked out of your account when you desperately need cash.
  12. Drinking the water. I know how much of a pain it is buying bottled water and making sure you have enough to last the night (even to brush your teeth with!), but I also know the pain of Montezuma’s revenge. End of story.
  13. Not printing the details. I’m not one to advocate killing trees to print everything, but sometimes you just have to. I know it’s a digital world, but what if your battery dies and you can’t access any of your plans. I did this once and was left standing in the street in Dublin with no idea where my hotels was located.
  14. Spending all your time in transit. We like to hop around when we’re on vacation, which leads to increased transit times. Make sure you book early morning or late night journeys to avoid spending your entire day in the airport or train terminal. There’s nothing worse than losing a whole day in transit. 
  15. Not having the right credit card. You should be aware that many credit cards charge a 3% International transaction fee, and if you’re using that card for everything for a week or two on vacation, the fees really add up. Get a card with no transaction fee, even if you only use it for travel.
  16. Paying for rental car insurance. You do need some form of car insurance when renting a car, but it doesn’t have to be the exorbitantly expensive insurance given by the rental company. Credit card coverage and even your own home car insurance can often cover you. Just be sure to read the fine print and learn the details before you leave home. The coverage varies by country.
  17. Paying for rental car damage. Have you noticed that more rental car companies are not doing a pre-check of the vehicle before you drive away? Don’t let that get you in hot water. Take pictures and note all damage to the car before you take it. If there is damage caused on your watch, you’ll already know the details of your insurance (See “Paying for rental car insurance” above), so you won’t be wrongly charged.
  18. Setting expectations too high. We all do it. It’s hard not to when you’ve spent tons of hard-earned money and a week or two of your saved-up vacation time on this once-in-a-lifetime trip, but you really need to set a reasonable bar for your expectations. Nothing is as perfect as it seems in a brochure or online enticement.
  19. Too tight connection time. I’ve been tempted by short connections a number of times. But it’s usually a huge mistake. If your first flight is delayed even 15 minutes (and let’s be honest – what flight isn’t?), it could spell disaster for the rest of your trip. If there’s a choice, go with the longer layover.
  20. Packing liquids or valuable “no-nos” in your carry on. I still regularly see people attempting to cart full-sized bottles of expensive lotions and hair products through security at the airport and look dumbfounded when the bottles are tossed. Got a Swiss Army knife you treasure? Don’t take it with you or you’ll never see it again.
  21. Hanging your purse on a chair in a restaurant. This might sound benign — after all, we do it all the time at home, right? That doesn’t mean you should do it on vacation (or ever, really!). Nothing is worth losing your passport and credit cards.

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