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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Few Venice Tips

I found this article and wanted to add to it:  See my comments highlighted in yellow:

 Top 10 Tourist Mistakes Venice: If you are about to visit Venice and do not plan to consult a guide or visit a tourist office, you can follow my very own personal advice on visiting this charming city avoiding bad experiences!

Venice has its own laws, some are written, and some others are simple rules which you should follow in sign of respect to this amazing place and its inhabitants.

Below are the most important things you should know as to avoid offending the locals or even getting a big fine (therefore spoiling a wonderful holiday)!

1- Throughout the city and specifically in all the area of Saint Mark’s Square, it is forbidden to feed the birds (pigeons, seagulls and all the others). There is the risk of getting a fine of over 500 Euro. The pigeons, feared by millions of tourists for their air strikes, are also splintering and puncturing the dozens of marble statues in Piazza San Marco, causing enormous damage to the works of art of the Venetian square and the rest of the city. So please, even though it might seem a nice and exciting experience, do not feed them. Not only do people feed the pigeons all the time - you can buy corn and feed from vendors for the pigeons.  I have NEVER seen anyone get in trouble for feeding them. 

2- You cannot eat standing or walking in Saint Mark’s square, you will risk a big fine if you are spotted by some of the local police. Venice City Council, in his eternal struggle to regulate the human tide that every day invades the city, has decided to prohibit drinking or eating in the square, unless you are sitting at one of the tables of the famous bars that overlook it. Every day, in fact, the area of San Marco offer a depressing sight: wherever you look there are baskets full of everything, dirty bags and litter left behind in every corner. On the other hand, the tens of thousands of daily visitors have only one goal: Piazza San Marco. So please, respect the city and if you wish to have a picnic, just walk a few meters away from the square to the Giardini Imperiali, where you will be able to sit on benches and eat and drink at your pleasure in the shade of beautiful trees.  I have seen people walking through the square and eating quite often.  There are many places to sit and eat or drink but they all charge a hefty cover price and the food and drink is expensive. 

3- The gondola is the symbol of Venice, a fun and romantic way to get around the city. But the expensive prices stop many tourists from taking a ride in a gondola, preferring the vaporetto lines. But a trip on a gondola cannot be compared to a ride on a crowded water-bus. So, what are fair prices for a gondola ride in Venice? First, the prices are listed in the brochure “A guest in Venice” (in the Tourist Offices), and are usually exposed in the moorings of the gondolas. The official rates include a cost of 80 Euro for 40 minutes (100 after 7pm). However, unfortunately many gondoliers often ask much higher rates, so make sure you ask before getting on board and make sure to let them know you are aware of the rates and be ready to bargain. In the off-season, especially in winter and autumn, you can get much better rates. To save money, you can choose to hop on a gondola and share it with other people (up to 6). The price is for the ride, not for the amount of people!  I totally agree.  You should experience a gondola ride at least once when visiting Venice.  Share with friends since it is per ride and not per person.  AND always bargain to get the best price.

 4- Whoever walks bare-chested through the streets of Venice will be fined. Venice is not a seaside resort – even though it gets very hot in summer and it is by the water - you are not walking on the beach! Also please remember if you decide to enter into a church to explore its beautiful art, to cover your shoulders and knees and to always wear shoes (sandals and flip-flop are accepted too). You don't have to dress fashionably or wear your Sunday best; you just have to follow these simple requests. Churches are often thought of as tourist attractions, but they're first and foremost sacred religious places where proper dress codes must be observed.  I can't say that I have ever seen someone walking around without a shirt.  Italians are very well dressed. 

5- It is forbidden the use of bicycles, skate-boards, skates and the like in Venice. You cannot play football, basketball or any other sport with balls. Unless of course - you are a small child.  I think this is one of the things I love most about Venice.  There are no bikes or cars running you down.  Everyone is on foot.

6- When traveling by vaporetto (public water bus) remember some simple rules:

No smoking on boats or on docking stations

Wait for you boat in the waiting area, do not go over the yellow line, to avoid causing obstruction -once on the vaporetto your luggage must be placed in the area near the captain cabin and if you carry a rucksack make sure to put it down do not hold it on your shoulders. It is dangerous for you if you fall into the water (you will be dragged down to the bottom of the lagoon) and also for other passengers (you might knock someone over). It is also easy to get pick-pocketed if you hold your bag on your shoulder!  I agree with this - especially during the summer which is high season.  The boat can get VERY crowded during certain times of the day.

7- Beware of pickpockets. Keep your money in the front pocket of your trousers. Putting the money in your bag can be a risky move: in fact, a sharp knife can easily cut the strap holding the bag. Not to mention backpacks. Venice is not a dangerous city but pickpockets are all over the world and they are just waiting for your false move.  Venice is a big city so there are always pickpockets and scam artists.  Just be very careful and use your head. 

8- Remember that among the narrow streets and bridges pass many citizens and workers who have to get to their destination much more quickly than normal tourists. Here are some simple rules that will avoid a classic shout from locals “va remengo” (go to hell):  In the most crowded streets keep to the right thus leaving room for those coming from the opposite direction and those who want to overtake you.  If you are in a group and you stop to admire some characteristic place or you are waiting for some fellow who got lost in the Venetian maze, remember to always leave room for people to pass.  Do not rest on the steps of the busiest bridges (such as the Rialto Bridge) hampering the vital and hurried pedestrian traffic.

Finally, a word of warning - Be very careful when you hear shouting “ocio ae gambe” (watch your legs), it means a cart is coming at high speed, probably full of merchandise and therefore it will be difficult to steer and brake.  This is very much the case.  We will be arriving on a Friday and most workers leave Venice on Friday for the weekend.

9- Fake designer handbags. Who does not dream of getting a nice brand bag for a fifth of its sales price? African people will line the street of Venice with their fake merchandise, pushing them into your face and really insisting that you buy one. Don’t fall for it, don’t give in! Remember, if you are caught buying a fake article, you will be fined heavily! So, keep the shopping for authorized stall sellers and shops!  If you want to buy a Louis Vuitton then go to the Louis Vuitton store.  If you buy it on the street is won't be real.

10- And now we come to the offerings of the various illegal business promoters (those very friendly really well dressed nice looking people hanging around in Piazza Roma, at the train station and in Saint Mark’s square). These promoters look always very happy, at least when they meet you, asking you if you care to spend a morning or an afternoon on the island of Murano, the island of glass making. They offer you a free ride in a taxi to the island, they show you the furnaces and how the masters work in the glass factory and then leave you in a room full of glass objects of all shapes. Should you buy from them (obviously paying a very high commission)? I leave it to you to decide.  I would decline.

11- Don't Stick to the Main Streets. Even though it is made up of a series of small islands, Venice has a surprisingly well-trodden main path that is nearly always crammed with people. At first tourists follow Strada Nova, which runs from Santa Lucia train station to Rialto Bridge, and then from Rialto they zigzag to St. Mark’s Square. The vast majority of visitors don't stray from this path, mainly because they're on a short day trip and they just follow the signs, so most people come away from that experience assuming all of Venice is that crowded. It’s not. Even in the high summer season, you need only to step a few blocks away from the main thoroughfare to get away from the hordes of tourists.  We love to take the back ways.  However we have gotten lost a time or two.  Venice is small enough though and eventually you find your way.

12- My last recommendation is not to swim in the lagoon of Venice (and I am not referring to the Lido, which is a beautiful clean seaside resort, where you can take as many dips in the water as you like!). I am talking about Venice itself. I am only saying this: Venice does not have a sewage system! So much of the waste from residential houses goes straight into the water. Therefore when you see those funny photos of tourists swimming in San Marco during acqua alta (high water), think twice before getting inspired on emulating them! You now know you would be swimming in water full of bacteria and rats!  I cannot imagine anyone wanting to do this.  I never had the urge.  ;)

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