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Friday, May 6, 2016

THREE weeks from today!!

We are officially 3 weeks away from boarding our transatlantic flights to Ireland.  Yip Yip hooray!

Here is the week before checklist - something to think about because it will be here very soon.

1 week before:
1) Decide what credit cards you are going to take.  I would not take more than 3.  You do not want to worry about calling multiple credit card companies if your wallet is lost or stolen.  However I always take 3 in case I have an issue with one or leave one somewhere.  Write down the name of the bank and the phone number and take it with you in case you need to report a card lost or stolen.  I don't like taking a picture with my phone in the event I lose my phone and someone can pull the picture.  I don't like taking photo copies either since I can lose a photo copy.  You really only need the bank name and telephone number.  Most have numbers listed for use when overseas. 

After you decide which credit cards you are taking (preferably ones with no foreign transactions fees) contact the bank and let them know you will be traveling overseas.  Many banks now allow you to do this online.  If Chase is one of your cards pull up the account information screen and under "Things you can do" select Update settings & preferences - Travel notifications.  I just use the message center with TCU and send a message.

2) Decide what debit cards you are going to take.  I have said this in the past and I will say it again.  If possible carry at least 2 debit cards from separate banks.  I know not everyone uses more than one bank.  Maybe if you are only using one bank be sure you can take a cash advance in an emergency from one of the credit cards. 

Contact the bank for two reasons: 

One to make sure your daily withdrawal limit is high enough.  We have ours set to $400 and $500.  Not all banks allow $500.  I know TCU only allows $400.  This is the amount you can withdraw from you account in a 24 hour period.  Keep in mind this is a rolling 24 hour period.  If you withdraw $400 at 10am on Saturday May 28th you will not be able to withdraw more funds until after 10am on Sunday May 29th.  That is another reason we use more than one bank.  NOTE:  Many banks perform maintenance certain times of the day.  We have had issues with TCU.  They seem to do maintenance around 3am Eastern time.  Ireland is 5 hours ahead so that is 8am in Ireland.  Don't panic - just wait an hour and try again.  Also many banks overseas do not offer a checking or savings account option.  It automatically chooses checking account for the funds.

Two is to inform the bank you will be traveling overseas.  If you already know your daily withdrawal limit and it is high enough you can notify the bank of your travel plans online with most banks. 

3) First check your passport to make sure it is valid for at least 6 months.  Hopefully you did this a few months ago.  Take 2 photo copies of your passport.  Leave one photo copy with a family member or friend and take one with you.  Never keep your photo copy and your passport together.  In the event your passport is lost or stolen you will need the photo copy. 

Make sure you know where the US Embassies are located in the country you are visiting.  In Ireland the US Embassy is in Dublin.  In Italy the US Embassies are in Milan, Florence, Naples, Rome, and VPP San Marino.

4) Make 2 copies of your itinerary.  One to take with you and one to leave with a family member or friend.

5) Get your packing list ready.  I decide what I am going to pack a week prior to give me time to make sure everything is laundered and ready to go.  I pack everything that I can leaving only a little until the last minute. 

6) Check with the airlines to make sure flight times have not changed.  You can usually do this through the airline's mobile app.

7) Check for any travel alerts.

7) Start to empty the fridge so you won't have to throw anything away. 

8) Make sure you have all of the prescription medicines you need.

9) Register your trip with the government.

10) If you do not have anyone staying at your house or checking your mail have them hold your mail at the post office.  An overfull mailbox is a sure sign of someone not home.  Same with any newspaper subscriptions. 

11) If you plan to use your cell phone overseas contact your carrier to be sure you won't have any issues.  Purchase an international plan to save money.  With Verizon you can add the plan right before you leave and remove the plan once you return.  Fun fact - European countries call their cell phone their mobile.

12) Make sure any bill due while you are overseas is paid in advance.  I always plan to be covered a few extra days in case of a delay and unseen circumstances. 

13) Download e-books and apps you plan to use on your phone or kindle.  Make sure you have the pieces you need such as charging cord and outlet plug.

14) Try to learn a few phrases in Italian. 

15) Make sure you have everything you need that you haven't purchased yet.  Items such as munchies, over the counter medicine, travel toothbrush and toothpaste, travel bottles for shampoo and conditioner, luggage scale, travel hairspray, travel deodorant, razors, travel shaving cream, wet wipes, makeup wipes, q-tips, travel body wash, etc.  I usually take an inventory of what I have and then make a list and shop a week prior so I have time to get everything.  Don't forget your travel adapter!!  You can get this on amazon usually within a week.

After all this is finished sit back and relax for a bit.

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